Thursday, April 25, 2013

Assembling boards: Sea State 10.5

We are in full production of the 10 and a half foot Sea State hybrid board.
We just started using colors.  All the boards up until now were white gel-coated fiberglass with the wood deck but we got an order that included a yellow board and a maroon board.  They are fun and will look good with the wood deck.
Here are some photos of the assembly...
Yellow Gel-coat sprayed in the mold

The glassed wood strip deck is bonded into place.  After it sets up, we use a router to trim the edge.

The first yellow hull before the deck is added.

The hull showing stringers.

Bonding another deck.

A set of molded parts prior to bonding onto a white board.  The edge gets trimmed and then the part is glassed into place.

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