Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Sabre 28: Port Light replacement

The port lights on the Sabre are original, hazy and cracked.  Replacement of the old plexiglass glass is good winter project.  The boat has 2 large and 2 small port lights on each side.  I ordered a 24 x 36 inch piece of 1/4 inch plexiglass.  This is enough to tackle one side of the boat.
I also ordered Dow Corning 795 silicone which is the proper adhesive/sealent for plexiglass.
We had hoped to salvage an intact piece of the original to use as a template but they all shattered on removal.  It was easy enough to make the correct shape when we had the frame removed.

The edge of the protective film was cut away before seating the plexi in a bed of Dow 795.  Before the 795 fully set, we peeled away the masking and tape.