Thursday, December 6, 2012

Class update: deck fixtures

The fitted decks

The paddle board board building class is getting to the fun parts: deck fixtures and prep for the top glass.

On Tuesday we trimmed the deck panels to fit the hulls.  Next we sanded with a vacuum sander.  It was then time to decide on the placement of the deck fixtures: tie downs and the hull  access port.

Because this board is hollow, there is the space for a deck access port which allows you to store the phone, camera, clif bar etc. inside the hull.  The leash cups/tie downs allow for a waterproof pack to be secured on the deck for a trip.

After the locations were picked out, we used a forstner bit to cut holes for the leash cups and a jig saw to cut a hole for the port.
Drilling a hole for the tie down

Hull interior showing stringers
Deck thickness is 1/4 of an inch.  These strips are walnut and bass wood.
Tie down before epoxy
Hull access port showing lid and knock out.

Beveling the underside of the deck for a good fit.

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